Seven Best Types of Nature Art to Help Calm and Heal

Cabin Creek Art Seven Best Types of Nature Art to Calm and Heal

Being out in nature has the beautiful power to help the body, mind, and spirit reach a state of calm and healing. Whether you’re in a sunny spot on the grass at your local park, walking along the beach, hiking on a mountain trail, or taking deep breaths on your breezy balcony, nature causes your brain to send chemicals to your body that help it relax, de-stress, and feel better.

Not only that, but studies show our bodies are also so tuned in to nature that even by simply looking at pictures of nature, we can get the same benefits of being out in it.

But what types of nature images are the best for achieving that wondrous state of calm? Based on these studies, the best nature images are of scenes:

  • where you can envision yourself;

  • that stimulate you to engage your senses; or

  • that contain elements and symbolism that promote a feeling for comfort.

With these in mind, below is our list of the seven best types of nature images to help calm and heal, along with examples:

Green Spaces

As the name suggests, these are scenes that contain mostly green elements, including parks, trails, forests, meadows, wetlands, and land in general. These can be both untouched, natural lush green scenes or manmade, manicured gardens and urban parks.

Our example of green space is “Garden Respite.”


Works of art and images that contain scenes of the ocean beaches, lakes, rivers, or another other water-based visuals. Water is known to be a calming force with its various shades of blue and the rhythmic motion ripples and waves.

Our example of a waterscape is “Lake Tahoe Shore Two.”


Scenes that contain clouds as the predominant subject, as part of a landscape or by themselves, are cloudscapes. Cloud formations must be soft and repetitive in order to be calming.

Our example of a cloudscape is “Truckee River Reflections,” in which the beautiful clouds reflect off the still river waters.

Sunset / Sunrise

Images of sunrises and sunsets are some of the most beautiful because they occur during the time photographers call the “golden hour,” the time when the angle of the sun produces colorful and warm tones in the sky. Sunrises and sunsets also occur just before twilight, the time when the sun has just dipped below the horizon when the sunsets, or the time when the sun is just about to rise above the horizon. The light produced by the sunlight scattering in the upper atmosphere can be magical over mountains, the beach, or trees.

Our example of a sunset images is “Amber Sunset at Malibu Beach.”


Waterfall images are long known for producing feelings of peace. The constant flow of a waterfall also symbolically represents a positive flow of energy and abundance. also.

Our example of a waterfall nature image is “Lush Green Dale at Yosemite Falls.”


Whether they are in the distance, close up, or as part of a larger landscape scene, mountains are majestic and awe inspiring, which gives the sense that we are connected to something larger than us. They make us feel safe and grounded.

Our example of a mountain scene is “Mountain View at Sardine Lake.


No list of calming nature art would be complete without considering flowers. As part of a garden scene, a meadow landscape, or zoomed in, macro shots of one, flowers and their beautiful colors, textures, and shapes, especially ones that are in fractal formation, such as sunflowers, give us a sense of completeness, balance, and connection.

Our example of nature art with flowers is “Agapanthus One.

So, there it is. Which type of nature art resonates best with you?


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